Comité national des chevaliers de

l'Ordre Souverain Militaire de Malte au Sénégal

Senegal Mail Phone Fax
Main Address 7 rue Jean Mermoz
+221 / 223 007 +221 / 226 221
Delegate to the
Dr. Med. Robert RAHMI

Chancellery of the SMOM

COTOA, 9 rue de Thann
Dakar BP2020

+221 / 233 430

+221 / 220100

Representation to the SMOM

Via dei Monti Parioli 51
00197 Roma

 +39 / 6 / 321 8892

 +39 / 6 / 329 2241

Diplomatic relations since 1965

Postal convention since 24.7.1986

(Based on the Rivista Internazionale)


Dakar, Senagal : In the Presence of H.M.E.H. the Prince and Grand Master, the 25th anniversary of the Applied Leprology Institute of Dakar was celebrated on 5 march.
Many authorities from Senegal, France and the Order took part in the ceremony, incl. Gen. Diallo, Chairman of the Institute's Board of Directors, H.E. Conte Edouard Decazes, the Order's Ambassador to Senegal, and H.E. Baron Jaques de Dumast, President of the French Hospitaller Works, who founded the Institute.

Dakar : The visit of H.M.E.H. the Prince and Grand Master to Senegal from 3rd to 6th March, during which he was received by the President of the Republic, Abdou Diouf.

Copyright © July 1997 / Museum of the Order of Malta