Portuguese Association (1899)
Portugal Phone Fax
Portuguese Association Rua Victor Cordon, 21
1200 Lisbon
+351 / 1 / 343 1570 +351 / 1 / 343 1568
Delegate to the
M. Alberto Jaime de Freitas Rosa Tavares Barreto
Rua D. Francisco de Almaida 127
4150 Porto
+351 / 2 / 617 5347  

Corpo Voluntario da Orden de Malta

Largo de Aljubarrota, 13
4400 Vila Nova de Gaia

+351 / 2 / 370 6863

+351 / 2 / 370 2554

Chancellery of the SMOM

Rua S. Francisco Borja, 42-6°/42B
Lisbonne 1200

+351 / 1 / 396 1823

+351 / 1 / 397 3656

Representation to the SMOM

Via San Valentino, 9
00197 Roma

 +39 / 6 / 807 7012

+39 / 6 / 808 4634

Diplomatic relations since 1951

Postal convention since 27.9.1985

(Based on the Rivista Internazionale)

Lisbon : Expo Universale 1998. The Order of Malta participated with 150 nations in the last world exhibition of the century for the 5th centenary of th Immigration of the Portuguses to India. The Order's participation, at the invitation of the Portuguese Government and the General Administration, was prompted by the Order's contribution to the defence of the Mediterranean and the discovery of new lands overseas.

Copyright © July 1997 / Museum of the Order of Malta