(Based on the Rivista Internazionale)
Paris : During the National Disabled Week, from 16 to 22 March, patients from the French Hospitaller Works' rehabilitation institutes participated in a delegation which was received at the Elysée Palace by the President of the Republic, Jacques Chirac.
Dakar, Senagal : In the Presence of H.M.E.H. the Prince and Grand Master, the 25th anniversary of the Applied Leprology of Dakar was celebrated on 5 march. Many authorities from Senegal, France and the Order took part in the ceremony, incl. Gen. Diallo, Chairman of the Institute's Board of Directors, H.E. Conte Edouard Decazes, the Order's Ambassador to Senegal, and H.E. Baron Jaques de Dumast, President of the French Hospitaller Works, who founded the Institute.
Paris : The French Hospitaller Works have set up the "Saint Jean de Malte" National Protection Association (ANAT), with the aim of ensuring the protection of the old and disabled by assisting them in the management of their affairs and their daily living.
Rome, Magistral Palace : Some disabled in the Saint-Jean de Malte Institute with their helpers were received in audience by H.M.E.H. the Prince and Grand Master during their visit to Rome from 1 to 7 June. Before this they had taken part in the Holy Father's audience in St. Peter's Square.