Dominican Association (1994)
Dominican Republic Mail Phone Fax
Main Address Apartado de Correos, N° 92
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic
+1 / 800 / 292 8714
+851 / 541 1804
+851 / 567 0422
Delegate to the
Calle El Rincon No. 10
Bella Vista
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic

Chancellery of the SMOM

Agustin Lara, n. 45
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic

+1 / 809 / 549 5576

+1 / 809 / 549 5774

Representation to the SMOM

Lungotever Marzio, 3/6
00186 Roma

 +39 / 6 / 686 4084

 +39 / 6 / 686 4084

Diplomatic relations since 1957

Postal convention since April 29th, 1998


Regina Angelorum Convent

(Based on the Rivista Internazionale)

Santo Domingo : The Order's Ambassador, H.E. José Luis Rodriguez Villacagna, and the Director General of the Dominican Postal Institute, Modesto Guzmàn, sign the postal agreement between the Sovereign Order and the Dominican Republic on April 29th.

Orangestad (Aruba) : The Order's Ambassador to Santo Domingo participated from 11th to 16th May in the 27th Assembly of the United Nations for the Economic Council of Latin American and the Caribbean.

Copyright © July 1997 / Museum of the Order of Malta