Bohemian Grand Priory
Czech Republic Mail Fax
Main Address Lázenská 2
11800 Prague 1
Czech Republic
+420 / 2 / 537 222 +420 / 2 / 536 874


Delegate for
Dr. Milan BUBEN
Kyjevska 11 CS-160 00
Prague 6
Czech Republic
Ceská Maltézská Pomoc
Velkoprevorské nám.4
11800 Prague 1
Malá Strana
Czech Republic
+420 / 2 / 533 232 +420 / 2 / 533 232

Chancellery of the SMOM Lázenská 4
11800 Prague 1
Czech Republic
+420 / 2 / 537 222 +420 / 2 / 536 874
Embassy to the SMOM Via Crescenzio, 91, sc B/1
00193 Roma
+39 / 6 / 687 4694 +39 / 6 / 687 9731

Diplomatic relations since 1990

Postal convention since 30.4.1996


(Based on the Rivista Internazionale)

Prague : The headquarters of the Grand Priory of Bohemia and the Order's Embassy in Prague, where a health center has been established for diabetics and other needy assisted by the Order

Prague : The Head Physician of the Order's medical unit, with the medical and paramedical personnel, illustrated the paediatric dietary and health programmes addressed to parents.

Prague : The center's Head shows nurses the functioning of medical diagnosis equipment installed by the Order.

Copyright © July 1997 / Museum of the Order of Malta