Blessed Gerard

Grand Masters and Lieutenants

of the Order of Malta

HMEH Fra Andrew Bertie

This list is the APPENDIX I of "The Knights of Malta", by H.J.A. Sire,
Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 1994, ISBN
For more information about the Grand Masters of the Order of Malta, check
The Grand Masters - Martin Micallef's web site at

The traditional numbering of Grand Masters is retained, but names wrongly or doubtfully included are printed in italics. Lieutenants who governed the Order during vacancies are also listed in italics.

Master of the Hospital in Jerusalem, Acre and Cyprus

Grand Masters of Rhodes

Grand Masters of Malta

Grand Masters and Lieutenants since the fall of Malta

Master of the Hospital in Jerusalem, Acre and Cyprus

The Blessed Gerard

Geraldus in most contemporary documents. The names of medieval Grand Masters are traditionally given in their French forms. This does not imply that they were all French.

bef. 1180 - 1120
2 Raymond du Puy 1120-1158/60
3 Auger de Balben 1158/60-1162/3
4 Arnaud de Comps (uncertain) 1162/3
5 Gilbert d'Assailly (abdicated) 1163-1169/70
6 Cast de Murols c.1170-c.1172
7 Joubert c.1172-1177
8 Roger des Moulins 1177-1187
Lt Borrell ruled the Order as Grand Commander after the death of Roger des Moulins in Partnership with Ermengard d'Asp 1187-1188
9 Ermengard d'Asp, Provisor of the Order until the election of Garnier de Naplous 1188-1189/90
10 Garnier de Naplous 1189/90-1192
11 Geoffroy de Donjon 1192/3-1202
12 Afonso de Portugal (deposed) 1202-1206
13 Geoffroy le Rat 1206-1207
14 Garin de Montaigu 1207-1227/8
15 Bertrand de Thessy 1228-c.1231
16 Guerin Lebrun c.1231-1236
17 Bertrand de Comps 1236-1239/40
18 Pierre de Vieille-Brioude 1239/40-1242
19 Guillaume de Châteauneuf 1242-1258
Lt Jean de Ronay, Lieutenant during the captivity of Châteauneuf 1244-1250
20 Hugues de Revel 1258-1277
21 Nicolas Lorgne 1277/8-1284
22 Jean de Villiers c. 1285 ?-1293/4
23 Odon de Pins 1294-1296
24 Guillaume de Villaret 1296-1305
25 Foulques de Villaret 1305-

Grand Masters of Rhodes
Name Langue Date of election
25 Foulques de Villaret (abdicated 1319) Greater Provence 1305
Lt Gerard de Pins
Appointed Vicar-General of the Order
Greater Provence 1317
26 Hélion de Villeneuve Lesser Provence 18 Aug. 1319
27 Dieudonné de Gozon Greater Provence 7 May 1346
28 Pierre de Corneillan Lesser Provence 8 Dec. 1353
29 Roger de Pins Greater Provence Aug. ? 1355
30 Raymond Berenger Lesser Provence 1 ? Jun. 1365
31 Robert de Juilly France Feb. ? 1374
32 Juan Fernandez de Heredia Spain Aug. ? 1377
33 Ricardo Caracciolo
Anti-Master appointed by Pope Urba VI but not acknowledged at Rhodes
Italy 1383-95
34 Philibert de Naillac Auvergne 6 May 1396
35 Antonio de Fluviá Spain c. 1 Jul. 1421
36 Jean de Lastic Auvergne 6 Nov. 1437
37 Jacques de Milly Auvergne 1 Jun. 1454
38 Raimundo Zacosta Spain / Aragon 24 Aug. 1461
39 Giovan Battista Orsini Italy c. 28 Feb. 1467
40 Pierre d'Aubusson Cardinal Auvergne 17 June 1476
41 Emery d'Amboise dit Chaumont France 10 Jul. 1503
42 Guy de Blanchefort Auvergne 22 Nov. 1512
43 Fabrizio del Carretto Italy 15 Dec. 1513
44 Philippe Villiers de l'Isle Adam France 22 Jan. 1521
Grand Masters of Malta
Name Langue Birth Date of election
44 Philippe Villiers de l'Isle Adam France 1464 22 Jan. 1521
45 Pietrino del Ponte Italy 1462 26 Aug. 1534
46 Didier de Tholon Sainte-Jalle Provence ? 22 Nov. 1535
47 Juan de Homedes y Coscón Aragon 1477 20 Oct. 1536
48  Claude de la Sengle France 1494 11 Sep. 1553
49 Jean Parisot de la Valette Provence 1494 21 Aug. 1557
50  Pietro Ciocchi del Monte San Savino Italy 1499 23 Aug. 1568
51 Jean l'Evesque de la Cassière Aubergne 1503 27 Jan. 1572
52 Hugues Loubenx de Verdale, Cardinal Provence 1531 12 Jan. 1582
53 Martín Garzés Aragon 1526 8 Jun. ? 1595
54 Alof de Wignacourt France 1547 10 Feb. 1601
55 Luis Mendes de Vasconcellos Castile 1543 17 Sep. 1622
56 Antoine de Paule Provence 1551/2 10 Mar. 1623
57 Jean-Baptiste Lascaris de Castellar Provence 1560 16 Jun. 1636
58 Martín de Redín y Cruzat Aragon 1590 17 Aug. 1657
59 Annet de Clermont de Chattes Gessan Auvergne 1587 9 Feb. 1660
60 Rafael Cotoner y de Oleza Aragon 1601 6 Jun. 1660
61 Nicolás Cotoner y de Oleza Aragon 1608 23 Oct. 1663
62 Gregorio Carafa della Roccella Italy 1614 2 May 1680 
63 Adrien de Wignacourt France 1618 27 Jul. 1690 
64 Ramón Perellós y Rocafull Aragon 1637 5 Feb. 1697
65 Marcantonio Zondadari Italy 1658 14 Jan. 1720
66 Antonio Manoel de Vilhena Castile 1663 19 Jun. 1722
67 Ramón Despuig y Martinez de Marcilla Aragon 1670 16 Dec. 1736
68 Manuel Pinto da Fonseca Castile 1681 18 Jan. 1741
69 Francisco Ximenez de Texada Aragon 1703 28 Jan. 1773
70 Emmanuel de Rohan de Polduc France 1725 12 Nov. 1775
71 Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim Germany 1744 17 Jul. 1797
Grand Masters and Lieutenants since the fall of Malta
Name Langue Birth Election Death
71 Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim Germany 1744 Abdicated 6 Jul. 1799
72 Paul Emperor of Russia
irregularly proclaimed Grand Master
De facto ruler of the Order
Lt Nicholas Soltykoff
appointed Lieutenant by Alexander I of Russia
27.3.1801 23.3.1801
73 Giovanni Battista Tommasi Italy 1731 9.2.1803 13.6.1805
Lt Innigo Maria Guevara Suardo Italy 1744 15.6.1805 25.4.1814
Lt Andrea di Giovanni y Centelles Italy 1742 26.4.1814 10.6.1821
Lt Antonio Busca Italy 1767 11.6.1821 19.5.1834
Lt Carlo Candida Italy 1762 23.5.1834 12.7.1845
Lt Filippo di Colloredo-Mels Italy 1779 15.9.1845 9.10.1864
Lt Alessandro Borgia Italy 1783 26.2.1865 13.1.1872
Lt Johann Baptist Ceschi a Santa Croce Germany 1827 14.2.1872
74 Johann Baptist Ceschi a Santa Croce

Appointed Grand Master by Pope Leo XIII

28.3.1879 24.1.1905
75 Galeas von Thun und Hohenstein Germany 1850 6.3.1905 26.3.1931
Lt Pio Franchi de'Cavalieri Italy 1869 8.3.1929 26.3.1931
76 Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere Italy 1866 30.5.1931
Lt Antonio Hercolani Fava Simonetti Italy 1883 14.11.1961
Lt Ernesto Paternò Castello di Caraci Italy 1882 24.4.1955 Retired
77 Angelo de Mojana di Cologna Italy 1905 8.5.1962 17.1.1988
78 Andrew Bertie British Sub-Priory 1929 8.4.1988

Copyright © Museum of the Order of Malta / August 1998