Philatelic issues 1995

205 : VIII Centenary of the birth of St. Anthony of Padua
Ex voto by anonymous Franciscan (1572) offered by Fra' Marco da Viterbo for returning home unharmed with other soldiers from Viterbo from the battle of Lepanto

206 : Postal Convention with Croatia
Coat of arms of Croatia

207 : VII Centenary of the Sanctuary of

the Holy House in Loreto
Image of the Blessed Virgin of Loreto with Child venerated

in the Church of St. Francis in Tarquinia (Viterbo)

208 : Celebration of the 50th Anniversary

of the United Nations
Emblem of the 50th Anniversary of the UN

with a flight of doves in the background

209 : St. John 1995
Giovan Domenico Ferretti (1692-1768)
"San Giovanni Battista"
Mdina, Malta, Cathedral Museum

210 :Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the

UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
FAO symbol celebrating its 50th anniversary with

African child in the background

211 : Centenary of the Radio

212 : Postcard Centenary of the Radio

213 : Coats-of-arms of the Grand Priors of the Sovereign Order of Malta
from a 19th century illuminated manuscript n° 626. Malta, National Library

214 : Aerogram

215 : Solemnities of the Order
Hierosolymite Knights in procession. Engraving from the

Book of the Statutes (16th century). Magistral Palace Library

216 : Christmas 1995
Picture of the Madonna of the Oak

Copyright © July 1997 / Museum of the of Malta