Other International Organizations

Organization of Central American States
Mail Phone
Office of the SMOM Edificio Reforma
Obelisco, Apto 1301
Ave Reforma 15054
Zona 9
Ciudad de Guatemala
+502 / 2 / 313 871

Istituto Internazionale Diritto Umanitario (1977)
Mail Phone Fax
Office of the SMOM in San Remo 143, Via G. Matteotti
18038 San Remo
+39 / 184 / 530 342 +39 / 184 / 531 933

Unidroit (1984)
Mail Phone Fax
Office of the SMOM in Roma Largo Teatro Valle, 6
00186 Roma

+39 / 6 / 687 1748

International Comittee of military medicine and pharmacy
Mail Phone
Office of the SMOM Via V. Mercati, 22
00197 Roma
+39 / 6 / 321 4513

Copyright © July 1997 / Museum of the Order of Malta