Academy for Educational Development
1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20009-5721
Academy for Educational Development
100 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011
See especially FANTA, USAID's only comprehensive food security and nutrition activity aimed at maximizing the impact of food security and nutrition programs of USAID, private voluntary organizations and host governments in developing countries. USAID's only comprehensive food security and nutrition activity aimed at maximizing the impact of food security and nutrition programs of USAID, private voluntary organizations and host governments in developing countries. A project of the United States Agency for International Development, conducted by the Academy for Educational Development.
Artists Against Racism
A non-profit, international organization and registered charity that is geared towards educating youth, especially via public education campaigns.
BBC Education Online
BECTa: British Educational and Communications Technology Agency
The California Virtual University
The Challenge 2000 Multimedia Project
The mission of EDUCAUSE is to help shape and enable transformational change in higher education through the introduction, use, and management of information resources and technologies in teaching, learning, scholarship, research, and institutional management.
1112 16th Street, NW, suite 600, Washington DC 20036-4822
The Cyberlearners
EWET - Education With Enterprise Trust
A South African nonprofit that enables poor communities through
development assistance for them to become the masters of their own
Totally On-Line, Spring 1999.
This course seeks to explore a series of conceptual questions concerning the nature of identity, power and place in a number of contemporary conflicts. After reviewing the
state of war and peace on the global map, we will plunge into these conflicts by reading award winning and intense books on these conflicts by journalists, activists and scholars. Students will be required to read books and an atlas for this class but this reading will never be boring. The books we will read deal with issues of life and death, violence and power in a personal and often moving ways. They treat some of the most horrible scenes of conflict in the late twentieth century. Those who are squeamish or who get upset reading about war, genocide and terrorism should not take this course. We will read about the experiences of an American Jewish journalist in Bosnia in the early 1990s, the journey of an Irish journalist through Rwanda investigating genocide there, a book on the Irish Republican Army, the angry columns of a Palestinian scholar on the frustrations of the Middle East process and the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization), and articles on the relations between gender (specifically masculinity), patriotism and democracy in late twentieth century America and the world. The goals of this course are simple:
- to provide students with an introduction to the conceptual issues involved in global conflict (questions concerning identity, the relationship of states to nations, gender and nationalism, violence and peace).
- to provide students with an immersion in the circumstances, attitudes and practices characteristic of some of the most prominent and ongoing contemporary global conflicts.
Glen Farrell, The Development of Virtual Education: a global perspective
Dr. Glen Farrell, Stuidy Team Leader and Editor
The Commonwealth of Learning, 1999
Review of worldwide experiences with the use of information and
communication technologies (including the Internet) for open and distance
learning, with recommendations for policy makers and education leaders.
The entire document is available online at
The Commonwealth of Learning
1285 West Broadway, Suite 600
Vancouver, BC Canada V6H 3X8
The Global Distance EducationNet (DistEdNet) of the World Bank
Global Youth Connect
Global Youth Connect is a global organization, led by and for young people, which supports and encourages youth activism for human rights and social transformation. Our mission is to build and support a community of front-line activists from around the world, and to inspire a new generation of young people to work for human rights and social transformation. GYC was created by a steering committee of young people from around the world, and is led by a Board of Directors made up entirely of youth. Global Youth Connect would like to announce its first Human Rights Learning Community to take place July 7-16, 2000 in Princeton, NJ.
The Globewide Network Academy
Human Rights Education Directory
-List by Author
-List by Subject
-List by Region
-Submit a Syllabus
Humanitarian Assistance Training Inventory (HATI / ReliefWeb)
The Humanitarian Assistance Training Inventory is maintained by the ReliefWeb project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
The focus of the Humanitarian Assistance Training Inventory (HATI) is on training for the staff of humanitarian assistance organizations. While it is not intended to catalogue the vast amount of activity in education and training related to other fields, a limited amount of space will be allocated to relevant events and materials in the fields of development, human rights, political affairs and peacekeeping. Priority will be given to aid and training organizations with a proven record of excellence.
Craig Duncan ReliefWeb Geneva
Telephone: +41 22 917 2232
Fax: +41 22 917 0440
Humanitarian Training Material Inventory
Instituto de Derechos Humanos "Bartolomé de las Casas" de la
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - Master de Derechos Fundamentales
The International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC) was set up in 1991 to provide specially designed training, consultancy and research services to organisations involved in international development and relief.
POB 563, Oxford OX2 6RZ United Kingdom
Law & Medical Ethics Graduate Studies in Medical Law Glasgow University
This postgraduate programme deals with contemporary issues in law and medicine. The programme offers a flexible learning context, providing information in a variety of forms to enable students to study in their own time. The programme is taught over two years, with a further nine months available to submit a dissertation of between 10,000 and 12,000 words. In years one and two there will be three compulsory residential weekends, which will be held in Glasgow. Special arrangements are made for those candidates living outside of the United Kingdom. In addition, to maximise flexibility, a number of exit points are available to those who choose not to proceed to Masters level. Those discontinuing studies at the end of year one will obtain a Certificate in Medical Law and those discontinuing at the end of year two will be awarded a Diploma in Medical Law, both on satisfactory completion of the course work. Assessment is continuous by written work there are no examinations.
The first year is compulsory and will serve to introduce candidates to law and legal process. In addition, modules are offered on subjects specifically related to negligence (general and medical), consent to treatment, confidentiality and access to records, products liability and human experimentation.
Candidates will select two of the following three options: Beginning of Life, End of Life and Genetics and the Law. For further information please contact, the Course Administrator,
Mrs Grace McGuire, telephone: (0141) 330 3528, Fax: 0141 330 4698,
Lessons from the Web
In this monthly column, law professors comment on the many academic opportunities and challenges presented by Web technology. JURIST: The Law Professors' Network" is directed by Professor Bernard J. Hibbitts, Associate Dean for Communications & Information Technology, University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, in consultation with an international Advisory Board. E-mail
The Michigan State Virtual University
Network on Humanitarian Assistance (NOHA)
The Network on Humanitarian Assistance (NOHA) postgraduate diploma was launched in 1993 as a contribution to professional training in the field of humanitarian aid. The project was initiated by the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO), the body which finances humanitarian actions worldwide on behalf of the European Union and its Member States.
Organised under the auspices of the Socrates-Erasmus programme of postgraduate exchanges in the European Union, the diploma is currently supported by DG XXII and taught in 7 Universities: Aix-Marseille III (France), Bochum (Germany), Deusto-Bilbao (Spain), Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), Dublin (Ireland), Roma (Italy), Uppsala (Sweden).
Contact data:
Université Catholique de Louvain
Ecole de Santé Publique
Clos Chapelle aux Champs 30
FAX +32 2 764.34.41
Université d'Aix-Marseille III
Pavillon de Lanfant 346
Routes des Alpes
FAX +33 42 23 09 71
Institut fuer Friedenssicherungsrecht und Humanitäres Völkerrecht
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstr 150,
D - 44780 - BOCHUM
FAX +49 234 709 4133
University "College of Dublin"
Faculty of Agriculture - Belfield
FAX + 353 1.706.11.01
Universita de La Sapienza-ROMA
Cattedra di Medicina Sociale
Viale Regina Elena, 336
IT - 00161 - ROMA
FAX +39 6
Univerdad de Deusto-Bilbao
Apartado 1
E - 48080 - BILBAO
FAX +34 4 445 0704
University of Uppsala
Box 256 75105 UPPSALA - SWEDEN
FAX +46
Role Play Peacegames explore Conflicts and Conflict Resolution and are available for all age groups on all types of conflicts. Philosophy: Role Play Peacegames work with instruction in conflict resolution. These games provide students the opportunity to play the parts of parties in conflict situations and to play the role of a mediator who helps the parties reach agreement. The games show students alternatives to violence for dealing with conflicts. Our philosophy is to provide inexpensive simulations of conflicts that might be helpful to anyone doing instruction in conflict resolution. Students using the Role Play Peacegames learn how to understand the views and interests of others.
Wellington Press, 9601-30 Miccosukee Road, Tallahassee, FL 32308-9662 USA
PDM - Partnerships for Development Models
Facilitates partnership formation between Local Government, Private
Sector and Civil Society for improved delivery of services and
socio-economic development - strengthening democracy and contributing to
good governance via local economic development.
PBS Adult Learning
The PBS Adult Learning Service (ALS) provides programming and services that
support adult education and distance learning, including:
-Adult Learning Satellite Service
-Ready to Earn®... an initiative to provide new opportunities for workforce education through a broad range of adult education services
-Going the Distance® ... a service that enables colleges to offer two-year degrees through distance learning
-LiteracyLink®... a service providing GED and adult literacy resources
Reliefweb List of Training in Humanitarian Assistance
Scarman MSc/Postgraduate Diploma in Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management by Distance Learning
This degree offers students the opportunity to study Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management by distance learning. Students are able to study while maintaining their professional and personal commitments. The degree provides a wide ranging, inter-disciplinary analysis of the extent, effects and explanations of crisis and disaster and the use of risk theory. It also offers students the opportunity to undertake supervised research in an area of personal or professional interest.
The MSc degree consists of six modules and a dissertation taken over two years. The modules studied are:
* Theories of Risk and Crisis
* Managing Risk and Security
* Research Methods in the Study of Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management
* Case Studies of Crises and Disasters
* Models of Risk and Crisis
* Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management
Course Administrator, Degrees by Distance Learning, Scarman Centre for the Study of Public Order, University of Leicester, The Friars, 154 Upper New Walk, Leicester LE1 7QA, United Kingdom, Telephone: (0116) 252 3946/5774 Fax: (0116) 252 5766 E-mail: [email protected]
many others.Teaching Human Rights On-Line (THRO)
Teaching Human Rights On-Line is an interactive
website encouraging participants to play the role of a judge at the
International Court of Justice, focusing on genocide. Another exercise is
called "Prime Minister Pao's Dilemma," a "decision-forcing case presenting a
dilemma facing the Indian PM in 1995 whether to: (a) comply with
international law, (b) prosecute security personnel who committed atrocities,
and/or (c) admit more international human rights observers.
Université d'été des droits de l'homme et du droit à l'éducation
Rue de l'Athénée 32, CH-1206 Geneva Switzerland
UNITAR Programme of Correspondence Instruction in Peacekeeping Operations
There have recently been as many as 70,000 UN peacekeeping forces representing 70 nations, serving on 20 UN peacekeeping missions. To achieve efficient and coordinated effort among military and civilian components from around the world, it is important for personnel of all nations to receive standardized training and preparation. UNITAR POCI offers such study as self-paced correspondence courses available internationally, and at costs accessible to all.
Thousands of students from 60 different nations have enrolled in correspondence courses from UNITAR POCI. Most are military officers but many are non-commissioned officers, diplomats, civilian employees of ministries of defence, teachers, and serious citizens interested in peace.
To enroll in a course, send an E-mail indicating the course in which you wish to enrol, your name and mailing address. WWW enrolments must have tuition paid by credit card.
Each course includes individual lessons of 10-30 pages, self-scoring end-of-lesson quizzes provided as practice sessions at the end of each lesson, and an End-of-Course Final Examination. When the student is satisfied that he or she has mastered all study material they may complete the Examination and mail it to UNITAR POCI for grading or submit the exam via E-mail. Students who pass the End-of-Course Examination with a score of 75% will be awarded a Certificate-of-Completion by UNITAR POCI.
Future courses under development :
* The History of Peacekeeping 1988-1996. March 15, 1999
* Advanced Logistical Topics. Summer 1999
* Election Monitoring & Voting Assistance. Fall 1999
* Conflict Resolution. Fall 1999
* Medical and Psychological Aspects of Peacekeeping. Spring 1999
* Peacekeeping in the Former Yugoslavia 1992-1996. Spring 1999
* Humanitarian Relief Operations. Summer 1999
* International Humanitarian Law. Summer 1999
* Anti-Terrorism Seminar. Summer 1999
United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Programme of Correspondence Instruction
Box 20475, Dag Hammarskjöld Centre, New York, NY 10017-20475 USA
Virtual Study
Western Governors University Virtual Campus
Western Governors University is a new breed of virtual university that is using technology to reach students who are unable to get to traditional classrooms. The university provides a central Web site that lists the distance-learning courses offered at participating schools and allows students to easily search for a college course online, enroll, and start working toward a degree with just a few clicks. But even more unusual is the school's goal of helping people to get degrees based on what they already know, what they teach themselves, or what they learn through any other method. No professors, syllabi, or textbooks are required. Students simply must pass enough standardized tests and turn in enough independent projects to convince
the university that they know the material.
WGU, 9125 E. Lowry Place, Aurora, CO 80010 USA
(Robert Mendenhall, President)
University of Hawai Certificate in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (UH/CEDMHA)
The University of Hawaii is now offering a graduate-level seminar
entitled "Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance" (DMHA),
which constitutes the foundation course for a certificate program on
this subject. Developed and conducted in collaboration with the Center
of Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance
(CEDMHA), also in Hawaii, the DMHA Certificate Program is intended to
provide professionals with the training they need to work effectively
in this area. Numerous seminars are planned to be incorporated into
the program, and the developers hope eventually to create a
full-fledged graduate major, to offer the courses via distance
learning, and to conduct intensive summer sessions for professionals
who do not have time to take the courses in a traditional classroom
setting. For more information about this program, contact:
Anthony J. Marsella, Program Associate Director
Center of Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian
Assistance c/o Tripler Army Medical Center
1 Jarrett White Road (MCPA-DM) Tripler AMC, HI 96859-5000 USA
1 (808) 433-7035 Fax: (808) 433-1757
University of Wisconsin Disaster Management Center (UW-DMC)