What the Order of Malta is doing ...

For more informations about activities in a specific country, check here.


More about generalities

 The philosophy guiding the Order's hospitaller work is to help, with the highest standard of service "the modern lepers" of society and those who have suffered the loss of their dignity.


More about ECOM

 The idea of ECOM is to be able to respond in a flexible and suitable manner to various types of disaster and emergency situations.


More about CIOMAL

International Committee of the Order of Malta for Leprosy Relief

Other activities of the SMOM

The Order's voluntary Organisations

More about the Order's voluntary Organizations

 The original concept of these organisations was to offer first-aid, medical and relief services during disasters. At the moment, however, social welfare and nursing services are becoming increasingly predominant, with the emphasis on the old and the disabled.


 The participants in the second Conference of European Hospitallers have adopted the following recommendation for Europe : The philosophy guiding the Order's hospitaller work is to help, with the highest standard of service "the modern lepers" of society and those who have suffered the loss of their dignity.

  1. Personal involvement of the Order's members in serving the sick
    • Lourdes and local pilgrimages with the sick
    • Camps for the disabled
    • Visiting the old
    • Visiting the dying
  2. Assistance to the homeless
    • Soup kitchens for the poor
    • Day centres
    • Shelters for the night
  3. Measures for the terminally ill
    • Hospital structures
    • Home nursing services
    • Centres for AIDS sufferers
  4. Assistance to the old
    • Creation of homes for the old
    • Visits to those living in these homes
  5. Rescue work during disasters
  6. Foreign aid
    • Research and treatment for leprosy (CIOMAL)
    • AIDS
    • Medicine collection and shipment
    • Abandonned children

 Rivista Internazionale, december 1994

The Order's voluntary Organisations

The Order's voluntary organisations are present in 24 countries (check the national association page). The original concept of these organisations was to offer first-aid, medical and relief services during disasters. At the moment, however, social welfare and nursing services are becoming increasingly predominant, with the emphasis on the old and the disabled.

First-aid and relief during disasters are still of great importance, mainly in the organisations coming under ECOM and for some recently-created bodies in central and eastern Europe, while other groups concentrate on voluntary services in the social sphere.

The Hungarian Organisation (MMSZ) already has around 10,000 volunteers, followed by the Irish Ambulance Corps with around 5,000. All together around 60,000 volunteers offer their services on a permanent basis under the Order's banner.

Association for the study of the World problem of refugees (AWR)
Mail Phone Fax
Section of the SMOM 68 Via Condotti
00187 Roma
+39 / 6 / 675 811 +39 / 6 / 679 7202

Foundation of the SMOM for vaccination
Mail Phone Fax
Executive offices 3, place Claparède
CH-1205 Geneva
+41 / 22 / 349 8687 +41 / 22 / 347 0861

92, rue du Ranelagh
F-75016 Paris

+33 / 1 / 4520 8020

+33 / 1 / 4520 4808

Centro americano de coordinacion de la SMOM



300 Sevilla Avenue
Suite 304
Coral Cables
Florida 331345

Centro di diagnostica e di terapia clinica
Mail Phone Fax
Office Via Bocca di Leone, 68
00187 Roma
+39 / 6 / 678 3301 +39 / 6 / 679 7202
Dispensary of the SMOM

First Aid on Piazza San Pietro (Roma)
Vatican Mail Phone
Office Piazza San Pietro
Vatican city
+39 / 6 / 698 84852 (?)

Copyright © July 1997 / Museum of the Order of Malta