Actualité et Droit International
International current events: Legal alysis and comments on the Internet.

Address Directory - Politicians Of The World

Herein you will find the mailing addresses for every nation's leaders and provincial governors (almost). Phone, fax, e-mail and website addresses
are being added where available. Last update: June 3, 1999.
New information: Cape Verde, Dominican Republic.

The Africa Live Database

The Africa Live Database (LDB) is a computer-based data tool developed by the Africa Region of the World Bank. The system consists of:
* local data base: a tool for in-depth economic work
* query: a tool for storing and manipulating economic and sectoral variables
* Africa briefings: presorted ready-to-use data.

Afrique des Droits Humains

L'Organisation Marocaine des Droits Humains (OMDH) et la Fondation
Canadienne des Droits de la Personne (FCDP )ont developpe un site Web
sur la promotion et la protection des droits de la personne
Organisation Marocaine des Droits Humains (OMDH)
8, rue Ouargha, Résidence Volubilis Agdal - Rabat, Maroc Tél. : (212) 7 77-00-60
Fax.: (212) 7 77-46-15 Courriel : Site Internet : www.omdh.org
Fondation canadienne des droits de la personne (FCDP)
1425 boul. René Lévesque ouest, bureau 307
Montréal, Province de Québec, Canada H3G 1T7 Tél. : (514) 954-0382 Fax.: (514) 954-0659
Courriel : Site Internet : www.chrf.ca


News and communication possibilities among professionals involved in relief work. Established in 1997 by the Reuter Foundation, has 70 humanitarian aid organisations as members
The site of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement

American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAS/SHR)

American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS). Science and Human Rights Program (SHR), Washington DC 20005 USA
See especially the Directory of Human Rights Resources on the Internet

The American Journal of Psychiatry
or http://intl-ajp.psychiatryonline.org
See on the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):

Amnesty Journal (UK Magazine)

ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law
American Society of International Law (ASIL) Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law. All of the seven chapters have been updated (United Nations, Human Rights, Lists, Treaties, International Criminal Law, International Environmental Law, and private international law) as well as a new chapter on International Economic Law. See also Marci Hoffman, ASIL Electronic Research Guide for International Law: Human Rights: http://www.asil.org/resource/humrts1.htm

ASIL Insights

International law behind the headlines, informing policy makers, the press, and the public. The ASIL Insight program seeks persons with expertise in any field of international law who would be willing on short notice to write occasional Insights--brief, balanced accounts of the international law issues raised by newsworthy late-breaking events. Insights are not designed to argue a position, but rather to inform decision-makers and the public of the relevance of international law to current events. They are disseminated electronically to key media representatives, government decision-makers and others. Authors should contact Rick Kirgis by email at

Appropriate Technology Library

The purpose of the library is to provide a comprehensive appropriate
technology information resource for people living in rural areas. By
virtue of its format and cost the library is an accessible resource for
rural communities when compared to its paper equivalent.
David Bartecchi, Consortium for Sustainable Village-Based Development

Awakening Earth

Awakening Earth is dedicated to research and learning that fosters a sustainable, compassionate, ad creative future. See the reports on "Global Consciousness Change: Indicators of an Emerging Paradigm" (May 1997) and "Collective Consciousness and Cultural Healing" (October 1997)
Duane Elgin, San Rafael, CA 94901 USA

The Balkan Human Rights Web Pages

Bibliothèque de l'Eau (Québec) ­ Library of the Water
War and water : international conflicts. See also the Internet Links:

BooleWeb (Boole Library, University College Cork, Ireland)

- Web of Sciences:
3 databases, indexing 8400 journals in the sciences, social sciences and humanities. Cited Reference Searching is a unique feature, enabling you to find out who has cited a particular publication.
-LION (Literature Online)

A fully searchable library of over 250,000 works of English and American Literature, overseen by an academic advisory board.
-Index to Theses

Index of theses accepted for higher degrees by the Universities of Great Britain and Ireland since 1970.
-Electronic Resource Guides

These guides will help you to use different electronic resources.
--Searching the Internet: http://booleweb.ucc.ie/databases/guides/internet/internet.htm
--Electronic Journals: http://booleweb.ucc.ie/databases/ejournals/electron.htm

British Medical Journal

Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars ­ Web Resources on Asia

The Chronicle of Philanthropy Internet Resources

World-Wide Web sites and electronic discussion lists of interest to people in the non-profit world. 17 new links to Web sites on grant seeking, corporate social responsibility, managing non-profit groups, non-profit business ventures, and technology.

CNN Documentary On Civilian Harm In Sierra Leone Conflict
excerpted in website presentation, with photos & film-clips:

Consortium for Sustainable Village-Based Development

Council of the European Union: First Annual Report on Human Rights
Adopted by the General Affairs Council in Luxembourg on October 11,
1999, covers the period June 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999 and
"intends to explain how the [European] Union's headway towards
integration is paralleled in the field of human rights."


The International Crisis Group (ICG) is a private, multinational organisation committed to strengthening the capacity of the international community to understand and respond to impending crises. ICG's approach is grounded in field research. Teams of political analysts based on the ground in countries at risk of crisis, gather information from a wide range of sources, assess local conditions and produce regular analytical reports containing practical recommendations targeted at key international decision-takers. Strategic analysis plus recommendations on specific areas (the Balkans, Central Africa, Cambodia and Algeria)
26 Rue des Minimes, 1er étage, B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

Cultural Survival (CS)

Cultural Survival is a non-profit organization founded in 1972 to defend the human rights and cultural autonomy of indigenous peoples and oppressed ethnic minorities. Through research and publications we focus attention on violations of those rights and advocate alternative policies that
avoid genocide, ethnic conflict and the destruction of other peoples' ways of life. Cultural Survival develops educational materials that promote tolerance and understanding of other cultures, and respect for indigenous peoples - the world's original stewards of the environment.
Cultural Survival, 96 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

Derechos Human Rights

"Las Comisiones de la Verdad en América Latina" (Esteban Cuya)
Derechos -- Human Rights, Concise Guide to Human Rights on the
Internet: http://www.derechos.org/human-rights/manual.htm

Directory of Electronic Health Sciences Journals

This directory provides information on the electronic versions of key English language peer-reviewed print journals in clinical medicine, biomedical research, nursing and allied health.

Directory of NGOs associated with DPI
This directory will give you access to information related to Non-Governmental Organizations associated with the Department of Public Information. You can search for information by the name of the organization, the region where the organization's headquarters is located, or the organization's main area of interest.

Disaster Relief

World Disaster Aid and Information via the Internet.
Sponsored by IBM, CNN Interactive, and the American Red Cross

La Documentation Française / Directory of French Government Internet Sources

See also http://www.admifrance.gouv.fr/cgi-bin/multitel/admifrance/sommaire
Directory of French Government Internet Sources

ELDIS Research Guides

The latest additions to ELDIS guides on hot research themes:
-Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation: http://nt1.ids.ac.uk/eldis/hot/pme.htm
Conceptual background and methodologies to PM & E. How do
organisations accurately determine whether they are progressing towards, or
achieving their goals and objectives? Includes key references, good practice
guides and training manuals
-Internet in Developing Countries: http://nt1.ids.ac.uk/eldis/inter/int_lele.htm
Guide to project experiences and connectivity issues. Selection of key
briefing documents.

Electronic Journal of International Conflict Analysis

Dr Keith Webb, Editor, Electronic Journal of International Conflict Analysis
Department of Politics and International Relations, The University of Kent at Canterbury
Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NX, UK

Electronic Journals and Newspapers- Subject List

List maintained by University of Pennsylvania Library; arranged by 50 subject categories
See also the Other Electronic Journals and Newspapers Sites: http://www.library.upenn.edu/resources/ej/xej-sites.html

The Electronic Newstand

Environmental Legal Instruments (UNEP Collection)

-Developing International Environmental Law
-Environmental Conventions
-Register of Environmental Conventions
-Non-binding Environmental Instruments
-Facilitating Coordination among Environmental Conventions
-Legal Instruments Under Preparation
-Helping Countries Implement Legal Instruments
-Promoting Wider Appreciation of Legal Instruments

ECOSOC (UN Economic and Social Council) Documents

Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership (EIIP)
A voluntary association of organizations and individuals, seeking to enhance their effectiveness in coping with disasters and emergency situations, by exploring the opportunity for sharing information and ideas made possible by electronic technology.
a) The Virtual Forum ­ provides access to discussion tools, and includes schedule and background information for the feature topic of the month. Each quarter of the calendar year will emphasize one of the phases of emergency management.
b) The Virtual Library ­ provides links to on-line information resources, and a User Documents area for sharing the papers, plans, procedures, public information materials, etc., that you have created, whether they be text or multimedia.
c) The Virtual Classroom ­ provides links to educational and training program information.
d) The Technology Arena ­ provides links to on-line data sources and information about tools with application in the field of emergency management or disaster response.

Encyclopedia of Law and Economics

Professors Boudewijn Bouckaert and Gerrit De Geest
University of Ghent, Faculty of Law Universiteitstraat 4,
B-9000 Ghent - Belgium

Environmental Law Institute

ELI convened a special research seminar focused on the environmental impacts of war. "Environmental Consequences of War: The Kosovo Conflict" examined the environmental and health impacts of the NATO action in Kosovo, in the context of the international law of war.
On November 11, Jay Austin (ELI Senior Attorney) discussed NATO and Serb actions during the conflict, their legality under existing law, and the opportunities for legal and institutional reform to deter and address the environmental consequences of future conflicts.
On the same site see "Addressing The Environmental Consequences Of War" by J. William Futrell, President, ELI, Environmental Law Institute, 1616 P St., NW, Suite 200 ,Washington, DC 20036

EPIX (Emergency Preparedness Information Exchange)

Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology (CPROST)
Simon Fraser University at Harbour Centre, 515 West Hastings Str.
Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6B 5K3
See the Virtual Emergency Management Information System Prototype

European Environmental Education Newsletter

Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg Environmental Technology
D-21073 Hamburg, Germany

European Journal of International Law

The Web edition of the "European Journal of International Law"

Evaluation Handbooks (UNHCR Evaluation & Policy Website)

There are now several handbooks available which provide useful advice on the evaluation of
humanitarian programmes:
-Evaluating humanitarian assistance programmes in complex emergencies
Relief and Rehabilitation Network, Overseas Development Institute, London, 1998.
-Manual for the evaluation of humanitarian aid
European Community Humanitarian Office Evaluation Unit, Brussels, 1999.
-Evaluation guidelines Danida, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen, 1999
-Guidelines for evaluating humanitarian assistance in complex emergencies
Development Assistance Committee, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris,1999
-Results-oriented monitoring and evaluation
Office of Evaluation and Strategic Planning, UN Development Programme, New York, 1997
-Planning and organising useful evaluations. Inspection and Evaluation Service, UNHCR, 1998

Federation of American Scientists ­ Military Analysis Network

FAS Military Analysis Network, 307 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20002. See especially the Kosovo file at:

Find Articles

FindArticles.com is a vast archive of published articles that you can search for free. Constantly updated, it contains articles dating back to 1998 from more than 350 magazines and journals.

FindLaw: Legal Associations and Organizations - Foreign and International Legal Associations

Foreign Affairs

Foreign Policy Association

470 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016-6819

See the F.P.A. Online Conferences

Future Harvest

Future Harvest presents a popular public image, although our work is research driven. Studies
are conducted by experts in conflict resolution, the environment, health, and economics at renowned institutions worldwide. Future Harvest promotes partnerships and creative links among research communities, organizations, and other interested groups. Initiated by a respected
scientific community, Future Harvest is advancing the global debate on food and the environment.
Future Harvest, 1818 H Street, NW, Room J-4029, Washington, DC 20433 USA

Geneva International

Practical guide to life in Geneva, database of international organizations, NGOs and permanent missions based in Geneva, perspectives of international affairs and events, selections from the world press on international affairs discussed in Geneva,

Georg Middledorp's "Conducting Research in Public International Law

George Middeldorp , Reference Librarian for International Law Law Library, Utrecht University (Netherlands)

A Global Knowledge Partnership WWW Site

provides archives of GKD messages. This List is moderated by Education Development Center, a nonprofit organization. The Global Knowledge for Development List (GKD) was established to
facilitate broad discussion of the role and impacts of knowledge,
including information/communications technologies (ICTs), for
development. With 1,500+ members from about 100 countries, GKD offers a
major forum for the exchange of ideas. UNDP, the World Bank, and
UNESCO, which support GKD, encourage those from around the world,
especially those in the South, to use the List to express their own
needs, experiences, and suggestions related to ICT and development.

Global Partnership

The Global Partnership (GP), is a collaboration of BRAC in Bangladesh, the Organisation of Rural Associations for Progress (ORAP) in Zimbabwe, and the School for International Training (SIT) in the United States. GP offers programs which provide rigorous and relevant coursework in NGO leadership and management. Courses are taught by an international faculty of scholars and practitioners in Bangladesh, Zimbabwe and the USA. The programs build on participants' prior experience in development and NGO management. Academic learning is grounded in practice through which participants directly contribute to strengthening the capacity of their own NGOs.
SIT Admissions Office, Box 676, Brattleboro, Vt. 05302 USA ; (800) 451-4465

Global Justice

The Center on Rights Development (CORD) of the Graduate School of International
Studies (GSIS) at the University of Denver announced (July 1999) the revitalization of its
bulletin, Global Justice, in an on-line format. Published since 1990, Global Justice presents research on contemporary topics relating to the development of human rights theory and practice. The Journal features research conducted by GSIS faculty, graduate students and invited
contributors, and specifically explores human rights approaches to issues in
international and comparative politics and political economy. The Journal will
also include book reviews. The first issue of the web-based journal focuses on "Globalization and Human Rights," and is now available. The upcoming issue (Fall 1999) will focus on China and Human Rights. For more information, please contact: Editor, Global Justice, Center on Rights Development, Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver, 2201 South Gaylord Street, Denver, CO 80208 USA

Global South

Grant Foundation Links (US Foundations)

A Guide to Safe Water in a Flood (by Bruce Rowse)
This is a Do It Yourself guide to help people with their water supplies during a flood. It explains why safe water is so important during a flood, and the difference between clear water, or water that looks clean but may be contaminated, and safe water, water which is actually safe to drink. It shows you how to treat water in a flood so that it is safe to consume using low cost technologies
that everyone should be able to afford. This guide is published on the world wide web, which, in February 2000 when this was written, had over 100,000 million users worldwide. This guide is available free of charge to anyone, anywhere. In many developing countries use of the internet is not widespread, this guide has been designed so that it is easy to print and circulate. This guide was prepared by Bruce Rowse, a mechanical engineer who worked in rural water supply projects in Ethiopia and Mozambique from 1988 to 1996. Information and drawings supplied by Martin Wegelin of SODIS has provided invaluable input into the preparation of this guide. The Mango Pages voluntarily publishes technical Do It Yourself guides to "help people help themselves". If you would like to voluntarily contribute to the Mango Pages and make your knowledge instantly available to people all over the globe via the internet please contact them
Learning for All 2/26 George St., Frankston, Vic., 3199, Australia


An Educational Resource Combating Online Bigotry. Originally a Harvard Law School web page. POB 380151, Cambridge MA 02238-0151 USA
Main Site (U.S.). Mirror (Finland)

Health Finder

A service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Medical resources, news, libraries.

Health Information Network for Advanced Planning (HINAP)

HINAP is a sophisticated information system designed to optimize effective contingency planning for health relief in complex humanitarian emergencies involving sudden population displacements.

Hieros Gamos ­ The Comprehensive Law and Governmental Portal

HG I ­ The 12 Directories: Every Law Related Organization
HG II ­ The 200 Practice Areas, 400 Discussion Groups, Guides, Seminars
HG III ­ News, Library, Employment, Law Study, Meetings, Journals.

HINAP (Health Information Network for Advanced Planning) Links

Human Development Report (HDR) 1999 (UNDP)
Released on Monday July 12, the tenth edition of the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Human Development Report has garnered considerable attention from the international press all week. The report ranks 174 countries on quality of life indicators such as life expectancy, wealth, and literacy, ranking Canada at the top and Sierra Leone at the bottom

Human Rights on the Internet

Human Rights Law (Michael Geist)
Part research tool, part casebook, and part tutorial, each Web
Lecture guides you through 25 - 40 Web sites relevant to law students and the legal education community. Rather than merely provide a series of links, the Web Lecture series provides appropriate context and information about each site, discussing its applicability to course materials and raising important substantive issues. This user guide provides you with information to navigate and enhance the Web Lecture series experience.E-mail your feedback directly to Michael Geist at [email protected]

Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Treaties

Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law Treaties (Fletcher University).
The Multilaterals Project, begun in 1992, is an ongoing project at the Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts to make available the texts of international multilateral conventions and other instruments. Although the project was initiated to improve public access to environmental agreements, the collection today also includes treaties in the fields of
human rights, commerce and trade, laws of war and arms control, and other areas. Although the vast majority of texts date from the second half of this century, the collection also includes historical texts, from the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia to the Covenant of the League of Nations.

Human Rights U.S.A.

See also "Partners in Human Rights Education" (U. of Minnesota Law School)

Human Rights Web

Human Rights Web

Humanitarian Litterature on the Web

The Humanity Libraries Project
http://payson.tulane.edu:8888/ or
The objective of the Humanity Libraries Project (formerly known as Humanity CD-ROM Project) is to provide all persons involved in development, well-being and basic needs, access to a complete library containing most solutions, know-how and ideas they need to tackle poverty and increase the human potential. The final goal is to include +/- 3.000 essential books.
Global Help Projects vzw & HumanityCD Ltd , Oosterveldlaan 196, B-2610 Antwerp, Belgium



Information (in French) on developing countries: training, documentation, and cooperation. IBISCUS est un système francophone d'information, formation et conseil sur les pays en développement, destiné aux ONG, universités et organismes de coopération internationale.
1 bis rue du Havre, 75008 Paris ­ France

ICRT (The International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims)

Copenhagen, Danemark

Indexes of human rights Internet sites

These are links to sites that are lists to still more human rights sites. Most are universities and/or individuals who have developed their own indexes of human rights Internet sites.

IFLA's "WWW Accessible National Libraries of the World"

An excellent web site for international and foreign government information
that is often over-looked on many government publications web pages is
IFLA's "WWW Accessible National Libraries of the World" organized by

The International Education and Resource Network (I*EARN)

The International Education and Resource Network enables young people to undertake projects designed to make a meaningful contribution to the health and welfare of the planet and its people through the use of telecommunications.

Information for lawyers on the Internet (University of Utrecht)

Legal information by country, organization, and by subject (e.g. Environmental Law, Human Rights, Public International Law, War and Peace, Women).

Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN)

Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN).This weekly round-up is based on IRIN daily updates and other relevant information from UN agencies, NGOs, governments, donors and the media. IRIN issues these reports for the benefit of the humanitarian community. IRIN is available free of charge through the website of the Journal of Humanitarian Assistance or Reliefweb

ICRC Database on International Humanitarian Law

Database on International Humanitarian Law (ICRC, Geneva, Switzerland)

International Development Network

The International Development Network is a non-profit organization in Athens, Ga., that provides daily news updates on international development, profiles of aid projects, and opinion pieces on development issues. The site also offers a listing of grant opportunities for development groups, links to organizations that provide international aid, and other Internet resources of interest to development groups. The group plans to add discussion forums to its Web site on topics such as agriculture, education, health, and rural development. Some will be open to the public, while others will only be available to paying subscribers.

International Human Rights Resources on the Web (Kresge Law Library ­
University of Notre Dame Law School)

Newsletters & Journals, Organizations, World Conferences on Human Rights, Bibliographies & Research Guides, Other Human Rights Pages.

International Law In Brief

International Law In Brief is a collection of developments in international law, prepared by the Attorney-Editors of International Legal Materials, a core publication of The American Society of International Law. International Law In Brief contains analytical abstracts of significant documents reflective of the broad, contemporary nature of international law. It is available in a monthly print edition
suitable for binding and in a weekly e.mail electronic edition. There is no subscription fee for this innovative source of international legal information.

International Law and Human Rights through the Doddel Server

International Law and Human Rights through the Doddel Server (University of Maastricht, Netherlands)

International Organizations Web Sites (Doddel)

International Organizations Web Sites

Internet Legal Resource Guide (ILRG

Internet Legal Resource Guide (ILRG). A categorized index of more than 850 select web sites in 238 nations, islands and territories.

International Peacekeeping News

International Peacekeeping News, Military and Arms Transfers News and Nuclear Proliferation News

Internet Resources on International Organizations

A variety of resources available on the Internet relevant to the study of International Organizations

International Review of the Red Cross

Issues online 1995-1999, including in French and Spanish.

Journal of Humanitarian Assistance
Published at the University of Cambrige (UK)

Kant, Immanuel, Perpetual Peace (1795)

The Lancet (Interactive)

Law Journals on the Web (Cornell University)

Law Journals on the Web (Cornell University)

Law Library Microfilm Consortium

LLMC is a non-profit library cooperative serving its members' needs for preservation, space recovery, and collection development. In over 22 years of operation, the Consortium has filmed more than 6,000 titles, some 75,000 volumes, of interest to legal researchers and historians. It now offers the world's largest collection of legal literature and government documents in microform.The bibliographic information describing these resources is contained in a hardcopy catalog, available on request. A copy of that catalog is provided on this website.

The 'Lectric Law Library (tm)

"Best legal resource that we have come across on the Web" - CNN USA
"The most complete law library on the Web" - Point Reviews
"Best damn site I've seen" - Chief Justice John Marshall

Legal Guide to the Kosovo Conflict

A service of Jurist: The Law Professors' Network
Pittsburgh, Cambridge, Toronto, Canberra
Legal News. International Law, E-mails from Yugoslavia, Legislation, Litigation, Human Rights, War Crimes, Refugees, Rambouillet, Peace Plans, Kosovo, Yugoslavia, Governments/IGOs, Organizations/NGOs, Academic Commentary, Further Reading, Official Statements, News.

Lessons from the Rwanda Experience

The international response to the killing of 500.000-800.000 Rwandese men, women, and children in about three months in 1994 has been subject to an unprecendented, self-critical evaluation, led by DANIDA, the development wing of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The report was written by a team of 52 independent experts, and the evaluation has been sponsored and financed jointly by a Steering Committee comprising 37 countries, bilateral, international, multilateral and non-governental organizations. Hard copies can be purchased from ODI Publications, London:

Links to Organizations Working on Environmental and Security Issues

London International Research Exchange
Journalists at War. Media coverage of post-Cold War conflicts, London

Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht ­ Heidelberg (Germany) - Virtuelles Institut (Virtual Institute)
Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law

Magazines News On The Net

Media on the Web
8.000 newspapers by continent, country, names.

"Medicine and Global Survival" Internet Journal

New Internet Journal on Medicine and Emergencies "Medicine and Global Survival," an international peer-reviewed journal on the health impacts of war, environmental destruction, and humanitarian emergencies. John Loretz, Executive Editor Medicine and Global Survival
10 Brookline Place West Brookline, MA 02146 USA 617-730-4750 617-739-0052 (fax)


A network of doctors who produce health information for the public.


This free service enables you to register your email address for automatic alerting of changes to existing Web pages. Used selectively (i.e. for a limited number of important pages that are updated at irregular intervals) this is a very convenient way of keeping up to date.

MIRC (Mediation Information & Resource Center)

Mosaique ­ African Internet Directory

The National Security Archive

The National Security Archive is an independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The Gelman Library, Suite 701, 2130 H Street, NW ,Washington, D.C. 20037 USA

Native Web (Resources for Indigenous Cultures around the World)

Indigenous Peoples' Law and Legal Issues. This site is dedicated to information about law and legal issues related to indigenous peoples of the world. This page sometimes highlights items of urgent or special importance. Otherwise, all material is organized under the subcategories listed below.
This information is maintained by Peter d'Errico. If you know of legal or law-related resources you would like to see here, send information to

The Natural Hazards Center (University of Colorado)

The Natural Hazards Center maintains a World Wide Web site containing
*back issues of Disaster Research in hypertext*, as well as its
extensive publications list, indices of many other hazards/disaster
information sources, full-text papers, and *much* other information.
Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Center
Campus Box 482 University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado 80309-0482 USA

The New England Journal of Medicine Online

The New England Journal of Medicine, 10 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115-6094

News Index

Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Web Sites (Doddel)
Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Web Sites

News Refugees Daily

A digest of the latest refugee news, as reported by the world's media. Prepared by UNHCR from publicly available media sources.

NGO Database (UN Geneva)

The Database of the Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) is maintained by the Office of the Director-General, Liaison Office with Non-Governmental Organizations, United Nations Office at Geneva.

Norbert's Bookmarks for Active People

Over 11 010 links dedicated to the following topics:
* Peace, Nonviolence, Disarmament
* Human Rights, Environment, 3rd World
VIII. Social Issues and Politics

NRM_changelinks: Improving Community Participation in Environment & Development

This site aims to provide a practical resource for those who work with communities (in the wider sense of the term) to help them identify and adopt more sustainable natural resource management practices. Although the emphasis of this site is on improving community
participation and collaborative management within natural resource
management (catchment management, biodiversity enhancement,
conservation, riparian management, agriculture, etc), the approaches
outlined here are also useful for those working in a diverse range of
development areas such as urban planning, rural development, health,
housing, etc.

ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science


PAHO - Links to Other Disaster Management Sites

Partnerships Online

The Internet enables 'virtual communities' to develop globally, linking people around the world who have shared interests. These virtual communities usually take the form of mailing lists, newsgroups


Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by The Network of Peace and Conflict Studies.
Online publication sponsored by George Mason University

Peacekeeping Training Courses Database

The UN General Assembly, in its resolution 46/48 of 9 Dec 91 (paragraph 10), requested the Secretary General to collect information on peacekeeping training and similar activities and further requested him to issue a list based on national submissions and to bring it up to date regularly. In pursuance of this request, a Peacekeeping Training Courses Database was initiated by the Training Unit of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations. Over the years since, hard-copies of the updated data had been made available to all who requested. These had also been distributed to all Member States periodically, as well as to fellow peacekeepers worldwide, through the many United Nations Training Assistance Teams (UNTAT) activities. With the increasing use of computers and the Internet worldwide, it is now timely to have this database readily available on the Internet. For ease of exploring, the database is organised and can be viewed by :
1. Member States - Countries listed in alphabetical order.
2. Type of peacekeeping training/courses

Philanthropy Journal Online

Philanthropy Journal Online. See also up-to-date news at http://www.pj.org

Prehospital and Disaster Medicine

The Official Medical Journal of the World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine
and the Nordic Society for Disaster Medicine
See the Continuing Education "Principles of Disaster Management" by Fred C. Cuny
Megan Phillips, E5/613 Clinical Sciences Center, 600 Highland Avenue,
Madison, WI 53792-6733 USA

Project Diana on Human Rights

Project Diana Human Rights. Project Diana is a program of The Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights at Yale Law School

Public International Law (Prof. Michael Geist)

Public International Law Links (Prof. Donna E. Arzt)

How Race is Lived in America: "Guarding the Borders of the
Hip-Hop Nation" -- _New York Times_ Special Series

REFWORLD (Refugee Research Network)

A collection of full-text databases representing the most comprehensive and reliable refugee information resource available.

Refugee Nutrition Information System (RNIS)

The Refugee Nutrition Information System (RNIS) reports on the nutrition situation of refugee and displaced populations. The reports focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, and some information of Asia is included.

The Regional Disaster Information Center (CRID)

The site, published in English and Spanish, covers information on CRID's
four main roles:
- A documentation center specializing in disasters with on-line
access to more than 12,000 bibliographic references available at CRID
as well as access to other centers or information units involved in
this topic.
- An information center with systemized data about experts,
institutions, courses, and Web sites related to the topic of
prevention and risk management, mainly in the Latin America and
Caribbean region.
- A resource center that compiles full-text documents, training
material for disaster preparedness and information management, and a
multilingual disaster thesaurus.
- A coordinating center that produces and maintains background and
relevant documents for the establishment of the regional coordination
system; basic information regarding each country of the region,
national entities in charge of risk management, and other
organizations involved in the field of disasters; as well as
agreements, declarations, and resolutions from presidential summits
and international meetings.
Regional Disaster Information Center (CRID) for Latin American and the
Caribbean Apdo. 3745-1000 San Jose Costa Rica Tel: (506) 296-3952 Fax: (596) 231-5973

Relief and Rehabilitation Network (RRN)

ReliefNet is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping humanitarian organizations raise global awareness and encourage support for relief efforts via the Internet.


ReliefWeb is a project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Includes Humanitarian Vacancies

Revue de la Presse Francophone
-in French
-in English

Rights International. The Center for Human Rights Law, Inc.

Established in 1994, Rights International fights for those rights recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights treaties. We operate independently of any political ideology, government, economic interest, or religious creed. Rights International is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, not-for-profit corporation. Rights International's goals are two-fold: to protect the human rights of our clients, and to advance the development of international human rights caselaw. We serve these goals through a number of means. Among them are: Representing victims of human rights violations in international tribunals, and filing amicus briefs before such tribunals. These international tribunals include
a) the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights,
b) the Inter-American Court of Human Rights,
c) the European Court of Human Rights, and
d) the African Commission on Human and People's Rights.
An on-going publications program, which has produced a two-volume work, International Human Rights Law & Practice (Kluwer Law International, 1997). Volume I contains extensive selections and excerpts of international human rights cases, together with comments and questions on them; Volume II is a comprehensive compilation of human rights instruments relevant to the human rights litigator.
In addition, Rights International is publishing a Companion Series of three volumes. A Brief Bank, which provides downloadable model human rights briefs for practitioners. Some of these briefs are intended to be used as guides in presenting cases before international tribunals; others can be used in making international human rights law arguments before domestic courts. A Research Guide to resources, on-line and off-line, for human rights litigators.
600 Biltmore Way, No 1117, Coral Gables, FL 33184 USA

Royal Tropical Institute (Amsterdam)

The KIT library offers one of the world's largest collections of scientific and popular books, periodicals, articles and maps concerning developing countries.
Special services and publications have been developed to provide professionals and the general public with the most appropriate and up-to-date information on any subject relating international co-operation.

Searching for Impact and Methods: NGO Evaluation Synthesis Study

A Report Prepared for the OECD/DAC Expert Group on Evaluation (May 1997)
Institute of Development Studies P.O.Box 47 (Hämeentie 153 B)

Scientific American

Security and the Environment: An Annotated Bibliography
Paul J. Runci Battelle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

The Scientist: The News Journal for the Life Scientist

Provided with the cooperation of the Institute for Science
Information (ISI) and the University of Pennsylvania, _The Scientist_
is a free newsletter for life scientists.

The Scout Report

A Publication of the Internet Scout Project Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Scout Report is a weekly publication offering a selection of new and newly discovered Internet resources of interest to researchers and educators. However, everyone is welcome to subscribe to one of the mailing lists (plain text or HTML).

Social Science Hub

South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)

South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)
See also http://www.truth.org.za/sapa.index.htm (News reports)
And http://www.truth.org.za/links.htm (Legal, Media).
The full TRC Report (29 October 1998) is available at

Social Science Online Periodicals (full text)

Includes Anthropology, Bibliography, Business & Ethics, Criminology, Development, Environment, History, Humanitarian Assistance, Human Rights, Humanities, Culture & Society, Law, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Social Sciences, Sociology, Women's Studies

The Sphere Project
A programme of The Steering Committee for Humanitarian Response & InterAction with VOICE, ICRC, ICVA. Inception: In July 1997, the Sphere Project was launched by an established group of humanitarian agencies. This project sought to develop a set of standards in core areas of humanitarian assistance in order to better the quality of assistance provided to people affected by disasters, and to improve the accountability of agencies. The Project was undertaken out of concern that a massively increased demand for humanitarian relief worldwide was in danger of outstripping the response capacity of the humanitarian system and could lead to inconsistent quality of relief efforts. Production: In October 1998, the Sphere Project Management Committee, with the participation of over 700 individuals from over 228 organisations in over 60 countries, completed the preliminary edition of the Sphere Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response. Application: In 1999, humanitarian agencies committed to the implementation of the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards will test their application and evaluate the usefulness of the document as a working tool in relief operations. Implementation methods and complaint-handling mechanisms will subsequently be developed.
The Sphere Project , P.O. Box 372 , CH-1211 Geneva 19 , Switzerland

Meanwhile, the Sphere project is currently seeking training
specialists to facilitate programs in coming months. A training of
trainers workshop will be convened in May 2000 , and interested
professionals should e-mail: [email protected] for details. Upcoming
training programs include:
- March 17/17: Nairobi, Kenya; contact: [email protected]
- March 23/24: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; contact [email protected]
- May: Rwanda, Mali, Mozambique, Bosnia, Honduras, Colombia, and
El Salvador.
This coming summer, training will be expanded and conducted in
Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Russian. For details about these
programs, e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]; fax:
44-171-379-0543; or write: Tower House, 8-14 Southampton Street,
London WC2E 7HA, U.K.

Surf for Human Rights ­ Derechos Human Rights

Sustainable Development Networking Programme, India (SDNP-India)
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International
Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada in collaboration of
Ministry of Environment and Forests (India) has launched the portal site
of Sustainable Development Networking Programme, India (SDNP-India) at
http://sdnp.delhi.nic.in mirrored at http://members.tripod.com/sdnp_india

Surviving the Storm: FEMA Online Newsletter "Recovery Times" Special Editions

Symposium Report: Psychosocial Effects of Complex Emergencies
With more than 40 million people affected, forced uprooting and migration due to man-made and natural disasters have now become global problems. The CSPH Program on Forced Migration and Health represents the addition of a major academic institution to those already engaged in health interventions for the displaced. The Center for Population & Family Health Columbia School of Public Health 60 Haven Avenue, B2 New York, NY 10032 USA

Transitional Justice Project

A joint research project of the University of the Western Cape (South Africa)
and the Humboldt University of Berlin
See the International Internet Bibliography on Transitional Justice

United Nations Crime and Justice Information Network (UNCJIN)

UNDP Human Development Report 1999

United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library Conference Guide

United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library Guide to Major United Nations Conferences

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights - Collection of International Human Rights Instruments

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Geneva, Switzerland)
International Human Rights Instruments.

The United Nations Scholars' Workstation

The United Nations Scholars' Workstation, developed by the Yale University Library and the Social Science Statistical Laboratory, is a collection of texts, finding aids, data sets, maps, and pointers to print and electronic information. Subject coverage includes disarmament, economic and social development, environment, human rights, international relations, international trade, peacekeeping, and population and demography.

The United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS)

The United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS) is a collection of treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with and published by the Secretariat since 1946, pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter. The UNTS includes the texts of treaties in their authentic language(s), along with translations into English and French, as appropriate. The collection currently
contains over 30,000 treaties and related subsequent actions which have been published in hard copy in over 1,450 volumes, which corresponds to all treaties and subsequent actions registered up to December 1986. Currently, the UNTS is being expanded at the rate of about 60 new volumes per year.

University of Wisconsin ­ Joint Center for International Studies ­ WWW Links

See especially :
-A Window on the World: Internet Resource Guide (Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe) http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/CIS/wotw/index.html
-Global Studies http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/CIS/wotw/global.html

U.S. Department of State Report on Religious Freedom (September 1999)

United States Institute of Peace Library
United States Institute of Peace Library. Peace Agreements Digital Collection (since 1989). Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chiapas (Mexico), Ecuador-Peru, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, India-Pakistan, Iraq, Israel-PLO, Northern Ireland, Sudan.

Virtual Library on International Development ­ Bibliothèque virtuelle sur le développement international (CIDA-ACDI)

The Virtual Library on International Development is a collection of links to international development-related sites and documents on the Internet. The Virtual Library on International Development is maintained by the International Development Information Centre (IDIC) of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The "Virtual Library on International Development" is comprised of 6 major categories : 1. Organizations; 2. Subjects; 3. Regions and Countries: 4. Reports and Publications; 5. News Links; 6. Explore the Internet.
The International Development Information Centre Canadian International Development Agency
Place du centre 200 Promenade du Portage, Hull, Québec, K1A 0G4 Canada

Visual Images of Disasters (Natural Hazards Center)

Here are some of the more useful, comprehensive sources of visual images of hazards and disasters on the Internet. This is a list of archived images, not real-time information, such as current hurricane satellite photographs. Additional resources might also be located by searching the complete list of "Selected WWW Sites and Other Internet Resources On Hazards and Disasters". Anyone knowing of other archives of disaster images is invited to send such information to David Butler, e-mail:

War, Peace and Security Guide ­ Information Resource Centre ­ Canadian Forces College

Canadian Forces College Information Resource Centre 215 Yonge Boulevard
Toronto, Ontario M5M 3H9 Canada
Tel.: (416) 482-6800, ex. 6846 or (416) 482-6800, ex. 6847
Fax.: (416) 480-9935

Water for the 21st Century

The ACC Subcommittee on Water Resources, at its nineteenth session decided that UNESCO would be the lead agency in charge of the organization of the World Day for Water 2000. The theme selected was "Water for the Twenty-first Century", in order to focus on the challenges for water resources planning, development and management for the next century.
The United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/47/193 of 22 February 1993 by which 22 March of each year was declared World Day for Water, to be observed starting in 1993, in conformity with the recommendations of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development contained in chapter 18 (Fresh Water Resources) of Agenda 21.
World Day for Water is pivotal to focusing attention on the need, among others, to:
- address the problems relating to drinking water supply;
- increase awareness about the importance of conservation, preservation, and protection of water resources and drinking water supply;
- increase governments, international agencies, non-governmental organisations, and private sector participation and cooperation in organisation of WWD celebrations.

Web Developer's Virtual Library

The Web Developer's Virtual Library (WDVL) is one of the largest, oldest, and most useful Web developer's resources in existence.

David Weissbrodt/Marci Hoffman Bibliography for Research on International Human Rights Law

What's Online in International Law
The "What's On Line in International Law" column was authored by Paul Zarins from 1992 to 1997. The ASIL Newsletter and Web site (http://www-asil.org)
publish bimonthly columns entitled "What's On Line in International Law" with contributions from a variety of guest authors. These are short (around 250 words) articles on information resources on the Internet that are of particular interest and utility to international law practitioners and researchers. ASIL welcomes guest authors willing to write about interesting new sites or services. Please contact Jill McC. Watson ()

W.K. Kellog Foundation Evaluation Handbook (1998)

Women's Caucus for Gender Justice
The Women's Caucus and its work on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Optional Protocol to CEDAW; includes recent papers and publications, such as position papers distributed at the Preparatory Commissions at the ICC, reports, articles, newsletter and their recent document on the ICC for the Beijing+5 review.

Women's Human Rights in Conflict Situations Newsletter

A New Coalition for Women's Rights Activists. Published periodically by the ICHRDD. Vol. 1, Nr. 1 (July 1997), Vol 3, Nr. 1 (May 1999).
Also in French: http://www.ichrd.ca/PublicationsF/bulletinFemmes/
[email protected]

Womens Human Rights Net

Women in International Law

World Bank Institute - Online Resources Related to Health Sector Reform

-Multinational and Governmental Agencies
-World Bank Resource Page
-Nonprofit organizations
-On-Line Forums and Discussion Lists
-Other Related Sites
-Professional Societies/Organizations
-University Research Centers
-Link Directories and Topical Search Engines

World Directory of Development Organizations & Programs

World Justice Information Network
An Experiment on Building a Global Network of Knowledge About Crime and Justice With support from the National Institute of Justice of the United States
Department of Justice and the Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the United States Department of State
Washington, DC

World Policy Journal

World Wide Governements on the WWW

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library. The Seven Golden Rules of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library. This WWW server is provided by the Coombs Computing Unit, Research Schools of Social Sciences & Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University, Canberra.

World Wide Web Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources

World Wide Web Virtual Library: International Development Co-operation
The purpose of this site is to provide for a meta-index to resources of international organizations. These may be related to aid, trade, economy, humanity, research, international relations, health, women's development, nutrition, education, ecology, demography, human rights, development policy, etc. Any organization concerned with the development of underprivileged regions/peoples/countries/continents in the world theoretically qualifies to be mentioned here.

Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal

YHRDLJ is dedicated to publishing high quality Articles, Notes, New
Developments, and Practitioner's Notes that explore important issues at the
intersection of human rights and development law. They see human rights and
development as two sides of the same coin: human rights cannot fully be
guaranteed without sustained development of social, economic, cultural,
political, and civic institutions in a given society; at the same time,
development cannot proceed without effective protection, guaranteed by law,
of the full range of human rights (civil, social, economic, political, and

Yahoo Listing of International Organizations

Yahoo Listing of International Organizations

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